Love Life as it is...not as you want it
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The first word that pops in my mind after reading this is
Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary it means accepting it as it comes. . . .To accept is to say yes to life in its entirety.
Paul Tournier
Whew, the last sentence of that quote can be very tough to some. It's a powerful statement and when put into practice, can have a profound, major transforming effect on your life.
I know you're probably thinking to yourself 'how in the heck can I possibly accept the negative things in my life'? And I would say to you...'by remembering that this too shall pass and this is only a temporary moment in your life'. What you choose to 'think' about it and how you choose to react to the events in your life, will be the deciding factor on what your experience will be like.
Being resistant to change as well as complaining about the way things are, do nothing to move you forward. What they do, is create more stress in your life and add negative fuel to your already overworked and overwhelmed mind.
If you want different results, you have to do something different.
The next time you find the everyday stress of life's multi-layers to be too much for you....Try and remember that how you have handled it before hasn't worked very well. Instead of throwing your hands up and getting yourself all worked up, which will push your anxiety button, try to take a deep breath, remember that this will NOT last, Keep telling yourself that it will work out, and let it go for that moment. This leaves a little room for you to gather your thoughts about it until you are ready to face it head on. In doing so you come out on the other end, more positive, braver and stronger than you ever were.
Looking at Life from an attitude of gratitude and remaining optimistic in times of darkness can be tough, but the rewards and Life changing experiences that manifest can be a Game Changer. Life begins to open up to you, because you become open. Take each negative and transform it into positive.
Look for the good in the bad.
Life may not be how you want it, but it will always be how you Create it!
You deserve a Life of Love
Go out and Create it!
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